St Paul Catholic School
SPHS Class of 1959

Official Site of the St Paul High School Class of 1959. 

It is hard to believe that almost five years have gone by since our last reunion.  It is time for us to get together again and relive those good old days at St Paul High School. At the bottom of this page there is a black bar with a right pointing arrow in it. If you click on that arrow you will hear the SPHS Fight Song.  You know the words I am sure! To the right of that bar is a classmates picture box that keeps changing.  You can click on any picture and go the profile of that person.  Or use the menu on the left side of the page to go to any of the other menu items.  The classmates profiles are what was on the 50th class reunion website.  So add to it, write a new one, or email or postal mail me items you would like to put on your profile.  I will keep working on this website so come back often!


St Paul High School 55th Class Reunion

August 2, 2014

Mark Your Calendar Now!